
Open Source version of the Phoda-SeV scale for Chronic Low Back Pain

The University of Leuven releases a proprietary version of the Phoda-SeV in "Windows" format. I thought it may have been useful to create a version of the software which (provided that a browser and internet connection is available) is capable to:

OpenPhoda-SeV is free to use on this website

I have installed a fully functioning version of OpenPhoda on this website and it is free to use. I cannot guarantee how long this instance will run but if you are concerned or if you want to know more about OpenPhoda drop me a message here

What is OpenPhoda-SeV?

OpenPhoda-SeV is a webapp for delivery of the electronic version of the PHODA (Photograph Series of Daily Activities), a diagnostic tool using which uses photographs to determine the threat value of different physical activities and movements. Exactly like Phoda-SeV this tool offers a quick and simple way for therapists to create a fear hierarchy for patients that may be influenced by some degree of fear of movement.

Minimum Requirement

Any webserver running:



The original PHODA was developed by Maastricht University together with Zuyd University. Reference:

Kugler, K., Wijn, J., Geilen, M., de Jong, J., & Vlaeyen, J. W. S. (1999). The Photograph series of Daily Activities (PHODA). CD-rom version 1.0.


Phoda-SeV was developed by Maastricht University. If Phoda-SeV is used for research purposes resulting in a publication or presentation, we request you to use the following reference:

Leeuw, M., Goossens, M. E. J. B., van Breukelen, G. J. P., Boersma, K., & Vlaeyen, J. W. S. (2007). Measuring perceived harmfulness of physical activities in patients with chronic low back pain: the Photograph Series of Daily Activities - Short electronic Version. Journal of Pain, 8, 840-849.